Yes, that's right a family of six!! Meet Dodger. The newest member of our family.
He is 7 weeks old (Yes, "HE" we had to balance the family dynamics somehow). My new baby. Seriously. Just like having a newborn. Complete with sleepless nights and round the clock feeding and potty-outings. I love it!!! :) Dodger is the sweetest, spunkiest little puppy!! He is so much fun! Dodger is a Miniature Schnauzer (for those of you how know me, just like Abby-our family dog growing-up). Dodger is going to be a full-time indoor dog. And I am way into house-training him. So far he is wonderful! I take him out every 2 hours and he "Does his business" on command. I am sure we will have mis-haps, but I plan on being very diligent (MY CARPET). All 4 of my babies!
Welcome to the puppy world! He is darling! Good luck with the house training--we are STILL trying to master the concept. (Maddie goes whereever she happens to be when the urge hits)
Dodger is sooooo cute! I hope he is being a good boy:D We give you our luck with the house/potty training!:P
He just makes me happy! He is so cute...I am so excited for you! The girls will just love it, and you will be the best little mom to him!
Thanks for your loving comment. I love you too Chrissy Sue!
Oh my GOSH the is adorable!!! It makes me almost want another dog :) Maybe we will have to come visit so I can get my puppy urges out.
I bet your girls are in love with him. How fun!!!!
Christins, how great this made me cry, we have 3 dogs nowbut last year we had a 1yr. old boy min. schauzer die and we still have his siter and I love her so much(they were mixed with a yorkie so she is on the small size. I do remember Abby--I'm so happy for you. He will be great.
What an adorable little guy! He totally makes me puppy hungry. I can't wait until we get to take home one those little guys also. I've always thought that I wanted a big dog but since having a baby, I've changed my mind. Shnauzers are perfect dogs for young families and they are so wonderful around young kids. My sister's shnauzer has never snapped at any of her kids and trust me they derserved a bit of a snap sometimes, that poor dog. I love Whitney's face in the pictures, pure bliss and joy! All the girls seem to enjoy the new little guy. Congrats on the new addition we're excited and wee bit jealous for you guys!
What cute pictures with the girls! We're glad you guys are loving Dodger so much, and that's he's adjusted to life smoothly over guys must be taking good care of him! He's adorable!
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