Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sisterly Love

The other day I was making dinner and I heard Kenzie "Reading" to Whitney and I peaked around the corner to find them cuddled-up together on the couch. It was so sweet and so cute I just had to catch it with the camera. Sometimes our sweet and tender moments are few and far between.


The Schwab Family! said...

That is very tender! You're good to catch them, they don't happen enough at our house!

Brandi said...

I know what you mean by far and few...somedays I just long for a moment that makes me fall in love with my kids all over again! Most of the time I just feel like I am war with them. So I always try and CHERISH THOSE tender moments! The girls are adorable, and you always have them looking so darn cute! They all have such different personalities that truly come out in the pictures you take. So fun! Im excited and way nervous for 3...any pointers would be great!

White Family said...

Oh, that is so sweet. Hopefully we'll get some brotherly love going on in our house soon. Chase is not very fond of our new addition at the moment and has taken up blood curdling screaming and temper tantrums to show his distaste in the whole idea. Ugh. Hopefully that changes soon.