Thursday, June 10, 2010

Round 2--RSV rears its ugly head . . . Again.

Sweet Dallas, who had been well for about 2 weeks, relapsed with RSV. We have been fighting a stuffy nose and cough for 2 weeks. This time it has NOT been as severe, but it has still NOT been very much fun. He is such a happy little guy!! All day long: goo'ing and coo'ing, smiling, kicking, wiggling, sometimes we can get him to laugh too. At night he has the most problems--Waking SEVERAL times coughing, gaging trying to get the mucus out. I am always right at his side trying to help him. I am so sleep deprived. And all the fear and worry are wearing on me. Exhausting. On Sunday, Scott had a talk with me about having more Faith. Faith in the Lord. Faith to replace my fear. I am trying. Feeling a bit more calm--but still not sleeping well. At night I am always on the edge of sleep-ready to fly out of bed and help Dallas-Scared I won't get there soon enough. Never quite giving myself over to full-out sleep. Paranoid. I keep telling myself that Dallas is not as sick as last time, but I keep reliving it ALL. I keep praying for him to get well and for me to let go of my fear. Something has to change--I am at the breaking point. It is difficult to maintain a "positive and sunny" attitude when you can't even think straight. Sleep. Must get sleep.


Brandi said...

Oh Chris, you explained "that" feeling perfect. I know exactly what you feel. I hate it when I lay in bed with my eyes closed, but never really get to sleep. Scott is an amazing man, and even though it is hard put that trust in faith. I wish that I was closer I would be there in a heratbeat to watch the kids why you took a nap or something! Hopefully you get some sleep and little Dallas will feel better soon! Let me know if there is ANYTHING at all that I can do. I will be there as fast as I can!!!

Melyssa said...

Christina- I am SOOO sorry! What a pain for you and little Dallas. If you need me to come and take your kids for an afternoon so you can sleep, call me. Like Brandi said, if you need ANYTHING, call me. Or maybe have Scott call me, I know as a mother it's hard to ask for help when you need it. :) Love you!!! :) :) :)

Adrienne and Darren said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have had to deal with rsv twice already. My little guy was on oxygen for 2 years and I don't think I slept much in that 2 years. I was always so scared that he would rub his tubes out of his nose. I will pray for your little guy to get better. Have you heard about the synogist shot. It is an anitibody that they give the babies every 30 days during rsv season to protect them from rsv. My little guy got it for 3 years and never got rsv. It is crazy expensive but so worth it. i hope you get some sleep soon.

Robyn said...

What an awful time! I'll pray for sunny days for you and your little one! If you happen to need a good example of faith, ive got a good one for you...Check out my brother and sister in laws blog on my sidebar...aaron and courtney grover... Read her post about miracles. My sister inlaw writes of their most recent experience of needing much faith...I've learned something new from them everyday:)
I hope you get some sleep soon...and no more RSV!