Monday, June 14, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Me and Kenz. Sam and Whit. Notice the big puddles. The sun was shining right then too.
Sam and Whit

Kenz and Me. Love my hood. It had been raining hard on us and then it hailed on us and then it was sunny again. Crazy Idaho weather.

Scotty. Ready to Go!
Kenz, Me, Whit.

We were able to go my Grandparents Cabin for Memorial Day weekend! We had a blast! We had all kinds of weather! Sunshine, rain, hail, snow, wind, and more sunshine! Crazy. But we got out on the 4-wheelers and enjoyed the mud puddles as much as we could. One morning the girls got out their bikes and rode them up and down the dirt road. It is a dead-end road, not much traffic, and just perfect for ridding bikes. Kenz is still trying to learn to ride w/o training wheels. This was the cause of many tears . . . She kept falling over and I kept making her get back on. I am a little taken aback at how "soft" my girls are sometimes. I swear I remember being tougher when I was there age. Falling off your bike was no big deal. You just got back up and tried again. I wonder if I am doing something wrong? Whitney was also not so happy with me. She is learning to ride a "big girl" bike w/ training wheels and peddling from that height and angle were difficult to her. I am determined to get them riding their bikes this summer!!!!! Anyway. The Cabin was great as always. We played games and watched movies together. We also colored and played with play-dough. We are grateful to have such a nice place to go to get away from everything and smell the pine trees and enjoy nature.


Amy Baker said...

That looks like so much fun! Glad you guys had a good time even though the weather was not so nice!

White Family said...

CUTE pictures! You White’s are adorable! It sounds like you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend despite all the crazy weather, and maybe even in spite of it.