Around New Year's we sat down with the girls and talked about setting goals. Some of the goals were individual and some were family oriented. The girls "set" a goal for me of coming up with a "chore chart" for them. I honestly don't know where they got this idea from, but they were really excited about it and wanted us to have one. So I made one. I take almost full creative credit for this project . . . a long time ago I saw (somewhere?) an example of a chore chart that someone had made using a pocket-chart, they put pictures of the chores in the chart next to the person's name . . . that was way cute. I made my own version of this. I took a metal sheet and mod podged paper to it, then I glued the metal sheet into a wooden frame-which I also mod podged paper onto, then I hot glued strips of ribbon across it- to section off each person, then I got these 3x3 wooden tiles(?) and mod podged pictures of each person and pictures of various chores at our house, and then hot glued magnets on the back of those. Honestly the finished product is sooooo cute! The pictures don't do it justice! (Can you tell I am just a LITTLE proud of myself?) I am going to add a few more chores to the chart, but here it is so far! There is also an "extra" space at the bottom for when we have another baby (no this is not an announcement, just wishful thinking at this point). This project took A LONG TIME and it was kind-of difficult, but I loved doing it, I had a blast shopping for the materials and putting it together! AWWW Creativity. Love it.
A lot has changed...
1 year ago
That is amazing! I love it and just might steal your brilliance if you don't mind. Nice work, Chris! Let me know if it makes the kids actually do their chores...that's the kind of chart I need. :) I'm super proud of you, too. Love, love, love it.
Super cute! :)
That is the best project I have ever seen. I am so proud of you. So creative. I love it, it is adorable. I love the fact it is the actual picture of the chore that needs to be done. That is so cool. nice job. and it matches perfectly with your living area. stylish, yet efficient.
Chrissy that has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I just love it. You did such a great job!!! It is adorable, and I think I will have to use the idea!
Wow - Christina - that is so great! I love it and will probably steal it from you if it's okay? You should make them and sell them at boutiques with all your spare time :) (I am sure you don't have any!)
Good to hear you are better. Strep is the worst!
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