Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dallas is 5 Months Old

I can hardly believe that Dallas has been part of our family for 5 months! Time really does fly. Dallas is a VERY clam and laid back baby. If I had to describe him in one word it would be be CHILL. He is just happy about anything and so easy going. He is now very good at rolling from his back to his stomach. He has rolled from his stomach to his back, but only a few times. He is reaching for toys and likes to put them in his mouth. If he is in his bouncy chair he will kick at his toys with his feet. He has discovered his feet and his tongue. He will giggle when you tickle him or make silly faces at him. Peek-a-boo startles him and makes him laugh. He loves to chew and suck on his fingers . . . as many as he can ram in there . . . sometimes his thumb . . . he will still take a paci, if given one. He loves to be swaddled and rocked. He cuddles. He loves to be sung to, any song or nursery rhyme. His cries are more like grunts. Very Manly. His eyes are turning brown, just a slight over shadowing of baby blue, but they will definitely be brown. He has sweet, dish-water blond hair coming in. . . which we have "buzzed" twice now, just to keep it even. He remains BIG for his age 90% for height and weight (looks more like a 7th month old). He is a good blend of us, some days he looks just like a little Scotty and other days he is so Robison to me. I love that he is a combo of us. I adore baby Dallas. He is so easy to have around. He is so easy to love.


Robyn said...

What a sweetie! I you carry him into church on Sunday and I just got a huge smile on my face! He makes me want a boy!

Robyn said...

*I saw you carry him:)

Amy Baker said...

Wow is he really already 5 months!! He is so darn cute!!

Natalie said...

What a handsome little man! He is darling and I'm glad he's such a good baby for you. I'm sure his big sisters are wrapped around his finger. We'll be in Rexburg on Friday and Saturday; maybe we could meet up at Millhollow or something? :)

Brandi said...

He is such a cute handsome little guy. It is crazy that he is 5 months old already. What a blessing to have him be so layed back and chilll. Thats perfect.
Hope you had a great date with Scotty on your birthday.

Hohmann Family said...

He is beautiful and adorable! They grow so fast don't they?

White Family said...

He’s precious. I just love his sweet expressions and his adorable big smiles. It sounds like you guys have had a eventful and super fun summer. The girls look like they had such a blast at Egin Lakes and the Children’s museum. Chase loved looking at those pictures and just said, “Mommy I want to go swimming, I want to go to the museum!” It looks like you guys have had a lot of summer fun!