Just this week McKenzie's Preschool class got to go to a Sheep Farm to see all the baby lambs! She was so excited to go! She got to see lambs that were only one day old! She also got to help feed a lamb. She was very interested in the sheep, but thought that the farm smelled bad. That was probably her biggest comment about the whole experience. She is funny. A few weeks ago Kenzie went in for her "Pre-Kindergarten" screening. She sat down with the teacher's aide and went through a little questionnaire to just see where she is at . . . she breezed through the whole thing! She got a perfect score, without any hesitations! I was so proud of her! The smart little thing! She is very ready for Kindergarten! She will be one of the oldest in her grade and I am very glad that we waited to send her. She was not ready last year. But she is now wanting to write her letters and her name and sound out other words. She is very into coloring and art projects. I am so happy that she will start Kindergarten right on target or possibly a little ahead, both of which are better than being behind. I honestly think she would have struggled through Kindergarten, had we sent her last year. I think that being the middle child is difficult for McKenzie. When things get busy, I know she feels lost in the shuffle. She has been throwing tantrums lately. She is 5 1/2 far too old for this kind-of behavior. I know that it is mostly a dramatic show-- complete with kicking, wailing, and lots of forced tears-- which all dissolve as quickly as they came . . . fake, but still there is something behind it all . . . I know she is craving more attention. Bad. Good. Or otherwise. Scott and I both try to spend good time with her, especially Scott. He has taken her out to breakfast for a Daddy-Daughter-Date and he is very good to work her through her tantrums. I still feel that Kenzie's self esteem is fragile. I try to build her up so much with lots of specific praise and attention, but it seems that the moment things do not go her way, she dissolves . . . I am just going to have to keep praying for her. If anyone has any advice on self esteem and little girls or tantrums and 5 year-olds, I would love to hear it. I feel like I don't have the answers or maybe that my answers are not being as effective as I want them to be.
A lot has changed...
1 year ago